Risk Assessment & Management Consulting

Welcome to CONFAB, your trusted partner in comprehensive risk assessment solutions.

At CONFAB, we understand the critical importance of identifying and managing risks in today’s dynamic business environment. Our team of experienced professionals specializes in providing tailored risk assessment services to a wide range of industries, ensuring that our clients can make informed decisions and mitigate potential threats effectively.

With over decades of experience in the field, our team possesses the expertise and knowledge necessary to conduct thorough risk assessments that align with industry best practices. We have successfully served clients in sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and technology, among others.


Risk Identification

We employ a systematic approach to identify potential risks specific to your industry and organization. Our team conducts comprehensive analysis, considering underlying \factors that may impact your business operations.

Risk Analysis

Our experts analyze risks, evaluating their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence. We utilize the right tools and methodologies to assess the severity level, enabling you to prioritize and allocate resources effectively.

Risk Evaluation

We provide a detailed evaluation of the identified risks, helping you understand their potential consequences and the level of urgency in addressing them. Our reports offer actionable insights to support your decision-making process.

Risk Mitigation

Based on the identified risks, we develop customized risk mitigation strategies tailored to your organization's needs. Our recommendations focus on reducing vulnerabilities, enhancing resilience, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Strategies & Techniques

Strategic selection of applicable risk matrix

CONFAB has spent years of analyzing different case studies in creating a system in assessment of inherent risk level to identify the appropriate control measures with the exact level of value to reduce the residual risk to its acceptable level.

It is significant to identify the applicability and reasonability of controls to ensure that it will mitigate the level of risk factors (likelihood and severity). This is the assurance that your company will not waste resources in control measures that are not necessary. We are customizing likelihod and severity scales to make sure that the assessment is accurate and effective. 



Proven Track Record: Our team has a successful track record of delivering high-quality risk assessment services to satisfied clients across various industries.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every organization is unique. Our risk assessment services are customized to address your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and effective solutions.

Compliance and Standards: We adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring that our risk assessment services align with best practices and legal requirements.

Expert Team: Our team consists of highly skilled professionals with extensive experience in risk assessment methodologies, enabling us to provide accurate and reliable assessments.


How can we provide a workplace free from hazardous condition?

The only way to provide a workplace free from hazardous condition is to make sure that all risks are managed and under control. You can only do that by ensuring that all potential hazards are identified because if you missed to identify a potential hazard, you won’t be able to provide precautionary measures.

We need to identify all possible accidents that may occur in workplace or activity. Then we have to identify the reasons behind the accidents. Those causes of accidents will be your hazards.

We need to identify the underlying causes of the hazards existence because have to align our control measure to the underlying cause why a hazard will exist so we can ensure that the hazard may not exist at the same condition or may not exist at all if eliminated.

Yes, if you will use the most appropriate risk matrix and scales for you company activities and workplaces. It should be properly calibrated based on its real-time application and reviewed periodically. 

No, because your controls may not serve its purpose of eliminating the risks or reducing its likelihood and severity level. This will lead your company to a loss in controls wherein you will allocate investment without a benefit.

This will help you to identify if the risk level is in its acceptable level. The higher the residual risk level the higher the monetary value of losses. If your risk level is in its acceptable level, the cost of losses is also acceptable for your company.

Yes, it is mentioned in Rule 1045 as well as RA 11058 and its IRR DO 198-18 that the employer shall furnish a workplace free from hazardous condition. The only way for us to do this is to conduct a risk assessment in our workplaces and ensure that all risk are mitigated up to its acceptable level.