Now for only Php 2,499
24-Hr. Advance OSH Course + FREE 8-Hr HRM Ver. 2.0
3RA + HRM V2.0
Plus 8 Session Access to MENTORING MASTERCLASS
Total of 32 HRS Advance OSH Training
Choose you own date on our available schedules and time that suits your availability for webinars
or you may join us through ZOOM this coming December 27 - 29 at 7pm to 10pm

Register now and use this coupon code and SAVE 200 Pesos.
For returning customers enjoy the 500 Peso Coupon Discount! Just put a note when you register (your latest certificate number) for verification and you will get a full discount.

No platform to be downloaded
- Schedules available at 9am, 2pm & 7pm
- Webinar dates are flexible, you can select on your preferred schedules once registration fee has been settled only.
- Replays are available (pause & resume anytime)
- You can take more than 1 module per day
- Economical & budget-friendly
- Rescheduling is not issue because you will select the best suitable schedule for yourself
- Webcam and microphone is not required, participation is thru chat only
- Sessions are continuous and straight discussion, no unnecessary interruptions
- The discussion in zoom options is also the same discussion in webinar options.
- Though webinar is considered as self-directed, there are discussions and powerpoint presentations as well.
- You can start anytime you want!

Need to download Zoom App
- Available schedule is only 7pm to 10pm
- Available dates are fixed and based on preset schedule as posted.
- Zoom recordings are available only via zoom cloud.
- You can take only 1 module per day
- More expensive than the webinar
- No rescheduling is accepted, recording only will be provided if missed a schedule
- No one is allowed to refuse from participating on the discussion
- Webcam must be opened all the time
- Discussions may be interrupted by others who ask questions whether relative or not
- The discussion in webinar options is also the same discussion in zoom options.
- Though zoom option is an online training and not a self-directed training, timeline is based on the flow of discussions.
- You have to wait for the schedule to start!
This is a limited time offer only. Register now and settle your payment within the promo period only.

Would you like to become a safety officer 4 (SO4 )?
The population of safety officer category 3 is now growing fast but most of them are acquired their level by just having the LCM advance OSH training which supposed to provide them the skills in loss reduction principles.
The problem nowadays, is that there’s a lot of competition but there are less count of SO3 who do not have other skills needed to become a fully-equipped safety advisor. Since every SO needs to have the advisory capacity in all matters pertaining to safety & health of the workplace but very few have the expertise in identifying the risk reduction rate of a control measure. This training will provide you the following:
- Valuation of Control’s Risk Reduction Rate
- Identifying the Risk Factor Targeted by a Control
- Re-assessment of Residual Risk Level
- Analyzing Cost & benefit of a RecommendationB
- Different Method of Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Recommendation & Proposal Presentation
- Analysis Reporting
- Updating Risk Registry
A Right Path in Becoming a Safety Trainer
An easy to follow and execute guide in being a presentor or OSH Trainer
With a combination of online discussion and offline activities wherein the flexibility of schedules is being provided with high value, being a safety trainer is not going to take long. Adding with the highest level of skills as an OSH influencer fully-packed with the right knowledge and skills will definitely make you stand-out in the growing training industry whether you play as freelancer or an inhouse trainer of your company.
Be a part of the elite network of safety professionals!
BONUS: 30 days FREE Access on OSH Mentoring Masterclass Program
Additional certificate of membership in our exclusive community..
How Does the Mentoring Program Works?
There will be specific tasks to be accomplished every week and the details about the assistance and monitoring is presented at the table below.
- You will have access on 2 sessions per week where you will get the instructions or To-Do-Lists
- You will get access on our resources such as templates, case studies, samples etc.
- Access on references will be based on the stage you are at. This will ensure that at you will have an organize system on what you only need
- If you are in a monthly subscription plan, you need to ensure that the plan is settled to prevent termination of access
- Every stage will have an equivalent accomplishments where you will be able to acquire certificate of accomplishments
- There are trainings inside the program that every mentees will receive, completion certificates are automatically provided
- Completers of the program are automatically accepted in our Trainers Development Program and will be provided with Trainer's privileges
- Completers are already considered as part of our pool of consultants, so you will be provided with projects which you will handle
- There will be evaluation on every quarter, your rating will be based on the performance and efforts provided in the the program
- Termination of the subscription will terminate you from the program but you can come back again anytime you wish
Program Timeline
1st Quarter Plan
Planning Stage
This is where the program for mentoring masterclass will be introduced. Each mentee will get to know & be aware of what will they become after the program.
Goals & Objectives
Setting of goals and identifying the objectives of being in the program will be a vital part of this portion of the this stage. Important to know the purpose of being in this program.
Milestone Planning
There will be targets on every milestone. Accomplishment of little steps is significant in achieving the overall goals.
2nd Quarter Plan
Implementation Stage
Plan Implementation
Initiating the career plan to begin filling the gaps on skills necessary as the foundation of becoming competitive in entering the world of OSH professional freelancing.
Mastering Advisory
Implementing the necessary steps on mastering and developing advisory skills including presentation, recommendations and proposals.
Technical Skills
Identifying and implementing the steps to develop the technical skills needed for assessing different workplace issues to ensure the applicability.
Building Rapport
Initiating the steps on making your visibility to the community and increase the awareness level of those who might be your potential client in the future.
3rd Quarter Plan
Development Stage
Ideally, your prospects will look at how you represent yourself. This will help you increase your value in a company that you are engaged with & the community you belong.
Portfolio and profiling
Important to build you prtfolio o r profile in order to helo your prospected clients ti easily know you professionally and understand your capabilities
Proper channel or network will help you increase your status in the community. You will get to know how to network yourself the right way.
The only way to become a competitive individual is to position yourself as a leader of the competition. You must learn how to create advantages.
4th Quarter Plan
Take-off Stage
On the Job Training
Application of the skills developed will be put in to practice. A mentee will be tested in actual OJT on the field he or she wants to practice and excel in order to be more competitive.
In this stage your will practice the skills newly developed in a strategic way to make it your expertise. This will serve as your competitive edge.
Developing Strengths
Strengths are your edge that requires extensive development wherein you need to know and learn how to showcase to interested parties.
Practices will help you identify the loopholes of your skills which will require corrections and resolutions. This will make your more reliable as a freelancer.
What will you get if you join us?
Once you become part of the program, you will have an account wherein you can access all the sessions, resources, cloud storage and own dashboard to monitor your own progress.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
The purpose of Risk Reduction Rate Analysis training
This training’s purpose is to equip you with the right skills & knowledge in conducting cost-benefit analysis, calculation of risk reduction rate & re-assessment of residual risk level. If you have plan of becoming an OSH consultant, this will be one of your advantages.
Can I get support from the trainer?
Yes you may have a direct support from the trainer. You can ask directly during the discussion any questions you have in mind. After the training, you can email us your questions and it will be answered by our trainers
Do you have a FREE training for this course?
We do have FREE trainings but not for this course. Technical OSH courses are needed to ensure quality wherein few participants only who have the will to get this skill and expertise must join.
Can I registor now and pay later for this course?
Yes you can do that, but please note that the fees will be different from the other registration option. You also need to settle the minimum amount as your downpayment for us to ensure that you are really interested to attend the course.
What if my internet connection is weak?
You need to have a strong internet connection, but you don’t need to worry about it specially when it’s raining or we have a bad weather condition because we have recordings of every session.
How does the 5 hours offline activity works?
We will provide the offline activity references to you and you just need to work on it by group or individually including the post evaluation. We will also provide you the access to our Learning Management System (LMS) regarding these activities.
What if I did not complete the activities?
You will receive a certificate of attendance for 3 hours credit each session once you attended the Live Discussion. The only way to complete the course is to cover all your activities so you will receive the Certificate of Completion for 8 hours per session.
What if I failed to attend the session?
You have 2 options. You can watch the recorded session or you can join the next batch of the course. You can also opt to do both if you wish to.
A safety advocate never STOPS learning.
Take Care of What Matters Most!
Get this course be a member of our exclusive community, ELITE SAFETY PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES